Air America To Broadcast on KSQR 1240 AM
(too old to reply)
Charles Newman
2004-04-17 06:43:37 UTC
Actually, I now think that he's trolling specifically to get John to
reply. The more recent responses seem custom-tailored to push John's
And apparently, Sacramento TV weather anchor Elissa Lynn's buttons
(witness the name of the probably inactive newsgroup you and I both
trimmed out of our replies).
Not, that was Johnny Zoom that created that one. I just added that group
to one of the responses. Just like I have added alt.fan.cristi.yamaguchi to
this response.
As for the naughty newswomen channel that will soon be going away, I
, personally, have not seen any Sacramento area news anchors myself
in there, but Zoom, and a few others, have reported seeing them in there,
though they wont say whom.
Charles Newman
2004-04-17 07:01:41 UTC
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 14:50:57 -0700, "Charles Newman"
There are a limited number of stations in the USA that do
exceed 50KW:for daytime. It is true that night power may
not exeed 50KW, but daytime powers are allowed to be
770 KCBC Riverbank 500 (daytimer, off air night
night to protect KOB Albaquerque)
Holy crap! KCBC, the 500,000 watt beacon of the Central Valley!
Umm, I thought the last station to run that much power was WLW back in
its experimental days, many decades ago...
I saw some years ago one radio list, about 20 years ago, about the time
770 first went on the air, they were listed as a 500KW daytime only
station. 770 goes off the air at night to protect KOB in Albuquerque
Charles Newman
2004-04-17 08:03:46 UTC
Post by Charles Newman
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 14:50:57 -0700, "Charles Newman"
There are a limited number of stations in the USA that do
exceed 50KW:for daytime. It is true that night power may
not exeed 50KW, but daytime powers are allowed to be
770 KCBC Riverbank 500 (daytimer, off air night
night to protect KOB Albaquerque)
Holy crap! KCBC, the 500,000 watt beacon of the Central Valley!
Umm, I thought the last station to run that much power was WLW back in
its experimental days, many decades ago...
I saw some years ago one radio list, about 20 years ago, about the time
770 first went on the air, they were listed as a 500KW daytime only
station. 770 goes off the air at night to protect KOB in Albuquerque
Definitely not, they seem to be on the air, and it is night. KCBC
never operated at 500,000 watts, as John has pointed out.
When did 770 start operating at night? The one radio list I saw LONG ago
had 770 as a daytime-only station.
Charles Newman
2004-04-17 07:03:51 UTC
You surely can't be as busy as you claim if you have time to respond to
this! 8-)
What's it worth to you to know the trick?
Its just like one guy on rec.travel.air, who posts all day long from
Somehow he can work, and still be on Usenet all day. Some people can
do that. There is guy from Cisco who posts to rec.travel.air all day from
Freddy Krueger
2004-04-17 07:27:53 UTC
Post by Charles Newman
Actually, I now think that he's trolling specifically to get John to
reply. The more recent responses seem custom-tailored to push John's
And apparently, Sacramento TV weather anchor Elissa Lynn's buttons
(witness the name of the probably inactive newsgroup you and I both
trimmed out of our replies).
Not, that was Johnny Zoom that created that one. I just added that group
to one of the responses. Just like I have added alt.fan.cristi.yamaguchi to
this response.
As for the naughty newswomen channel that will soon be going away, I
, personally, have not seen any Sacramento area news anchors myself
in there, but Zoom, and a few others, have reported seeing them in there,
though they wont say whom.
I have been coming to your channel since it started almost 5 years ago. As
I said in one post descended from the State Fair FAQ, I have seen two from
Sacramento. ABout five years ago, just after you started the channel, there was
one I used to chat with from KCRA-TV in Walnut Grove, who was interested in me. She
was, of course, one of many that never came back after the server was down for
7 months in 1999 and 2000. I wont say WHO it was, but I can see that whoever
did eventually get her made one FINE catch. I was actually close to meeting her
until the server had the prolonged downtime in 1999 and 2000.
There is one from Channel 40 I have not seen in a while, who seems interested
in me now. I just hope she comes in again before you are forced to close down
your naughty newswomen channel. That last time I chatted with her, she talked
about meeting me when I come to the State Fair at the end of August. She wont
say WHO she is, but if it is who I think it is, she would definitely be quite
the catch. She is quite busy at times, and often doees not come on for a few
weeks at a time, that is why I just might lose her when your naughty newswomen
room closes down.
You have created quite a service in that room. I know of reporters at Fox
and CNN who met their currrent husbands through your room, and are very happy.
You have done well the past 5 years running your room, and I wish you good luck
in all your future endeavours.
Het Chuckie, get the the ball and make a few corrections to your radio list
will you? This one at KCRA I used to chat with said that KCRA is licensed to
Walnut Grove. Their studios are in Sacramento, but they are a Walnut Grove
licensee, that is yet ANOTHER modification you need to make to your list, and
one I will make when I post my State Fair FAQ, with the radio list on it, in
the future.
Charles Newman
2004-04-17 17:39:26 UTC
X-No-Archive: Yes
Post by Charles Newman
Not, that was Johnny Zoom that created that one. I just added that group
to one of the responses. Just like I have added alt.fan.cristi.yamaguchi to
this response.
You know Chuck, realistically, you can only expect your shrink to keep
your multiple personalities sorted out.
Well, actually, the group itself was never newgroupped. What was done was
to exploit a bug that has existed in most news server software ever since
Usenet cane into existence. The following newsgroups lines can illiustrate
what I am talking about

The first line:

Newsgroups: alt.newsbabes.elissa.lynn.yum.yum.yum

would not work. Most posting software would see this as an invalid grou
and reject the post

But this line:

Newsgroups: alt.fan.cristi.yamaguchi,alt.newsbabes.elissa.lynn.yum.yum.yum

would go throuigh. That is becuase most server software only checks the
group in the newsgroups line, and does not check any of the other groups.
To see this in action, I have added the group
to this post. A newgroup was never sent out for that group, but as you can
I can post to it. The news posting software at the server level will only
ba.broadcast, the first group on the list.
John Higdon | Email Address Valid | SF: +1 415 428-COWS
+1 408 264 4115 | Anytown, USA | FAX: +1 408 264 4407
Charles Newman
2004-04-17 23:05:37 UTC
This should do it. I am posting to ba.weatherbabes. This should PROVE
what I
am talking about.
Sorry, that group did not make it here. Obviously, that group was
removed by an intervening server.
Well, GigaNews, here, has the post available with ba.newsbanes on it.
Here is the
complete post with the headers.

NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 16:16:25 -0500
From: "Charles Newman" <***@comcast.net.do.not.spam.me>
Newsgroups: ba.broadcast,sac.general,ba.newsbabes
References: <***@>
Subject: Re: Air America To Broadcast on KSQR 1240 AM
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 14:16:27 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
Message-ID: <***@comcast.com>
Lines: 32
X-Complaints-To: ***@comcast.net
X-DMCA-Complaints-To: ***@comcast.net
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint
X-Postfilter: 1.1
You dont get it yet. You dont HAVE to send a newgroup, or otherwise
create the group to send it. You can send to ANY newsgroup, without a
newgroup message ever being created for it. If say, the company
your newsgroup accss does not carry a group you want to post to, you
can use the method I described to get out to that newsgroup, but cross-
posting with a group your provider does carry.
Check the history of control messages, and you will see that a
was NEVER sent out for either alt.weatherbabes.angela.buchman or
Right. Now try it with a bogus ba.group or a bogus soc.group.
This should do it. I am posting to ba.weatherbabes. This should PROVE
what I
am talking about.
John Higdon | Email Address Valid | SF: +1 415 428-COWS
+1 408 264 4115 | Anytown, USA | FAX: +1 408 264 4407
Giganews lets the complete post through, with all headers intact and
intact, as you can see.
